and private individuals

research and genealogy
The publishing house 1media.org
german jewish cemetery archiv

(1media.org) ( German Jewish Cemetery Archiv )
specializes in the digital recording of historical graveyards and cemeteries. On the basis of the inventory data recording of complete cemeteries in particular, we are in a position to integrate comprehensive data in first-class photographic quality in our publications.
Which means our photo documentation represents the ideal basis for scientific, genealogical and cultural studies.
Thanks to cooperation with universities, archives centers and cemetery administrations, our photo documentations not only include high-resolution photos but also detailed information about the respective cemeteries such as e.g. ground plans, names lists etc. In addition to the purely photographic aspect, an independent stonemason and stone sculptor company provides an expertevaluation of the individual cemeteries and gravestone monuments, thus assuring qualified and professional documentation work. German Jewish Cemetery Archiv
Data stocks:
We have made it our task to archive all the cemeteries we have documented not only as pure photographic libraries, but also to analyze and evaluate the gravestones, which are often in acute danger of ruin, and to collect the data in a database in order to maintain the information for generations to come. Our Publications
We are cooperating on this task with numerous theologians, translators, genealogists and scientists from well-known institutes worldwide. The data is brought together by ourselves and entered into a unique database, undergoing continuous updating and supplementation.
These data records are being made available free of charge to the Leo-Baeck Institute of New York, the Mendel Gottesmann Library in New York and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem for long-term archiving.
Ordering possibilities:
Private individuals and clubs can purchase all our editions either through bookshops, our online shop or directly from us.
German Jewish cemetery Archiv
International institutes and libraries have the possibility of purchasing all our editions either individually or as a continuing order from the scientific publishing house shop Otto Harrassowitz KG
More autor links:
N.A.Heyeckhaus Photography https://www.heyeckhaus.eu
N.A.Heyeckhaus Sculptor https://www.heyeckhaus.de
N.A.Heyeckhaus Jewish Cemetery Research https://www.1media.org
Hinweis. Die hier angebotenen Ausgaben unserer Dokumentationen über jüdische Friedhöfe sind ausschließlich für den privaten Gebrauch bestimmt, ein Weiterverkauf und/oder eine Veröffentlichung ist grundsätzlich untersagt.
Bitte beachten Sie auch, das wir keine individuellen Suchaufträge nach Grabstätten ausführen können. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an den Betreiber dieser Seite : heyeckhaus@t-online.de
1media.org ( German Jewish cemetery Archiv )
wird von Norbert A. Heyeckhaus als Geschäftsführer geleitet. Norbert A. Heyeckhaus ist u.a. gelernter Steinbildhauermeister und Fotograf (www.heyeckhaus.eu ) und steht über die Website www.heyeckhaus.de auch für Auftragsarbeiten auf jüdischen Friedhöfen in der Mitte Deutschlands zur Verfügung. Norbert A. Heyeckhaus befasst sich u.a. seit 1995 mit der Katalogisierung kompletter Begräbnisstätten , vornehmlich in der Mitte Deutschlands (Frankfurt +/- 300 km) , welche neben der fotografischen Bestandsaufnahme auch die Übersetzungen und das Pflegen einer Datenbank beinhaltet. Die vorliegenden Ausgaben zählen heute bereits zu den Standardwerken zahlreicher Lehranstalten weltweit und werden dort für Recherche-zwecke bereitgehalten. U a. im Leo Baeck Institut New York , der Harvard Universität , der National Bibliografie Jerusalem und vielen weiteren.
Viele der in den vorliegenden Ausgaben enthaltene Grabsteine wurden in den Jahren 2004 bis 2007 aufgenommen und in den Folgejahren aufwendig von erfahrenen freien Mitarbeitern vom hebräischen in die lateinische Sprache übersetzt. Die hierbei gewonnenen Daten werden hier in der JCDP (Jewish Cemetery Database Projekt ) Datenbank aktuell gepflegt und weiter bearbeitet.
Für Fragen zur Website und/oder meiner Arbeit stehe ich Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Sie erreichen mich unter : heyeckhaus@t-online.de
German Jewish cemetery Archiv
The Jewish Cemetery of the Israelitische Religionsgemeinschaft Frankfurt
The Jewish Cemetery of the Israelitische Religionsgemeinschaft Frankfurt is one of the largest and most important Jewish cemeteries in Germany. It is located in the city of Frankfurt am Main, in the state of Hesse.
The cemetery was founded in 1828 and was in use until 1928. It is home to about 30,000 gravestones, including the graves of notable figures such as the banker Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the philosopher Moses Mendelssohn, and the writer Heinrich Heine.
The cemetery is a large, sprawling site that is surrounded by a wall. The gravestones are arranged in rows and form a labyrinth of paths and alleys. The gravestones are in a variety of styles and materials. Most of the gravestones are made of sandstone and are inscribed with simple Hebrew inscriptions. Some of the gravestones are also decorated with ornate carvings or inscriptions in Hebrew.
The cemetery is a significant historical and cultural site. It is a place of remembrance and mourning for the people who are buried there. It is also a reminder of the rich and vibrant Jewish community that once lived in Frankfurt am Main.
Description of the Cemetery
The cemetery is a large, sprawling site that is surrounded by a wall. The wall is made of sandstone and is about 2 meters tall. The entrance to the cemetery is through a gate that is located on the south side of the wall.
The cemetery is divided into two sections: the older section, which is located on the north side of the cemetery, and the newer section, which is located on the south side of the cemetery. The older section is the larger of the two sections and is home to the majority of the gravestones.
The gravestones are in a variety of styles and materials. Most of the gravestones are made of sandstone and are inscribed with simple Hebrew inscriptions. Some of the gravestones are also decorated with ornate carvings or inscriptions in Hebrew.
Notable Burials
The cemetery is the final resting place of many notable Jewish figures, including:
- Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), a banker and philanthropist
- Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1786), a philosopher and theologian
- Heinrich Heine (1797-1856), a poet and writer
- Franz Rosenzweig (1886-1929), a philosopher and theologian
- Walter Benjamin (1892-1940), a philosopher and literary critic
The Jewish Cemetery of the Israelitische Religionsgemeinschaft Frankfurt is a significant historical and cultural site. It is a place of remembrance and mourning for the people who are buried there. It is also a reminder of the rich and vibrant Jewish community that once lived in Frankfurt am Main.
Additional Details
- The cemetery is open to the public from 9am to 5pm daily.
- There is a visitor center on site that provides information about the cemetery and its history.
- There are guided tours of the cemetery available.
The Jewish Cemetery of the Israelitische Religionsgemeinschaft Frankfurt is a unique and important site that is a testament to the history and culture of the Jewish people.

German Jewish Cemetery Archiv